
  • Arti Ahluwalia
    Arti Ahluwalia
    Ecocivilisation, India Chair

    Arti Ahluwalia is the India Chair for Ecocivilisation, a global movement in 45 countries aimed at nurturing the 5 ideas that build civilizations, namely Society, Beings, Consciousness, Relationships and Land. She is a family business owner in the construction sector and an active speaker at the various Industry Councils in India. As a passion project, Arti has created The BE WELL Village, a multi-stakeholder Behaviour & Well-being nurturing framework for adolescent children & their ecosystems spread across 7 states in India. BE WELL responds to challenges like radicalisation, suicide, life goal clarity, academic and behavioral competency gaps by engaging with ‘one teen at a time and the entire ecosystem together’. She is an active contributor within the Co:Do Project, an ethical AI assisted platform for worldwide change makers to find each other & collaborate towards common goals through a digital and boundary agnostic platform. She serves as the United Nations Commons Cluster strategy coordinator & as its Chief Editor for the High Level Political forum and the SDG Summit.

  • Crystal Cavalier Keck
    Crystal Cavalier Keck
    7 Directions of Service, Co-Founder

    Crystal Cavalier-Keck is co-founder of Seven Directions of Service with her husband, and citizen of the Occaneechi Band of the Saponi Nation in Burlington, North Carolina. She is a board member of the Haw River Assembly, the Women’s Resource Center in Alamance County, and Benevolence Farm. Crystal is an alumnus of the Sierra Club’s Gender Equity and Environment Program and Women’s Earth Alliance (WEA) Accelerator for Grassroots Women Environmental Leaders. She has a PhD in Organizational Leadership focused on Missing Murdered Indigenous Women in Gas/Oil Pipelines in frontline communities. Her current projects center on burden, exposure, risk, and health disparities among American Indians in environmental justice communities, and dismantling inequities in BIPOC communities to achieve sustainable food systems and food justice.

  • Knellee Bisram
    Knellee Bisram
    AHAM Education, CEO / Founder

    CEO of AHAM Education, dedicated to building coalitions and partnerships that foster mindful, resilient communities. As Representative to the United Nations, she brings a nature-based, mindful approach to meeting global challenges affecting children, women, marginalized communities in education, water and climate justice. Knellee is a certified mindfulness, peace education and mind body medicine facilitator and co-creator of the B.Nature program. She coaches activists, politicians, business, community, youth and BIPOC leaders in English and Spanish throughout the Americas. She holds a BA in languages, and MA in International Relations and Latin American Studies.

  • Reverend Dallas Conyers
    Reverend Dallas Conyers
    US CAN, International Liaison

    Rev. Conyers is a board member of the USCAN network, and Climate Advocacy Lab. She is also a co-chair of the JEDI committee of USCAN, a co-lead of the policy committee of the Midwest Building Decarbonization Coalition, a member of The Black Church- The Green Movement and a Op-Ed Project 2021 Public Voices Fellow on the Climate Crisis.
    She is a Certified Sustainable Agriculturalist, Beekeeper, Internationally
    Certified Yoga/Pranayama/Meditation Instructor, and Licensed Nurseryman.

  • Susannah Tuttle
    Susannah Tuttle
    North Carolina Interfaith Power and Light, Eco-Justice Connection Director

    Susannah is the Director of the NC Interfaith Power & Light (NCIPL) campaign for over a decade and in 2020 launched the Eco-Justice Connection. She received a Masters of Divinity degree from the Unitarian Universalist Seminary – Starr King School for the Ministry at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA. Susannah is a founding member of the Southeast Faith Leaders Network (SFLN) and is an active member of the US Climate Action Network. She currently serves on the Executive Board of the Southeast Climate & Energy Network (SCEN), the Advisory Boards of Carolinas Integrated Sciences Assessment (CISA), and UNC Law School’s Center for Climate, Energy, Environment, and Economics (CE3).


Dec 10 2023


4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Eco-Affinity: Water and Climate Activism through Contemplative and Faith-Based Practice – AHAM Education

We are Nature. We are all made of the same stuff as Earth. Just like “hurt people, hurt people,” “hurt people, hurt the planet.” Thus, healing the planet is not separate from healing ourselves. This session features AHAM Education’s documentary Healing People Heal the Planet and an exploration of mindful awareness, eco-affinity and unity of nature, society and economy as catalysts for sustainable, nature-positive, nonviolent and transformative outcomes for people and planet, rather than fear, anxiety-driven action fueled by disconnection and polarization. Our dialogue features perspectives from government, youth, indigenous and faith leaders from the Americas.